Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blog displayed in different browsers

I have written previously about the advantages of having many web browsers. Let me elaborate on one more reason why you should have many browsers.

A blogger is by default a web master responsible for the way a blog is displayed over the Internet. Any web master worth his salt would have a visitor counter and would check the statistics every now and then. Below is the browser statistics for visitors to this blog:

browser statistics bar chart
browsers statistics percentage

It shows that visitors to this blog uses varied web browsers ranging from FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera and the newly introduced Chrome. It pays to check how your blog is displayed in these browsers so that you know how your blog appears to different visitors using different browsers.

For example, I viewed this blog - Guide to United States of America with different browsers and noticed that the blog title and description are displayed differently in different browsers. Below are the screen shots of how the blog displayed in Firefox, Internet Explorer 7, Opera, Safari, Flock and Chrome:

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