Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hacking an Email Account – Email Hacking

Everyday I get a lot of emails wherein my readers ask me How to Hack an Email? You as the reader are most likely reading this because you want to hack into someone’s email. So in this post I have decided to uncover the real and working ways to hack any email.

Is it possible to hack emails?

Yes! As a matter of fact, almost anything can be hacked. But before you learn the real ways of hacking email, the following are the things you should be aware of.

1. There is no ready made software that can hack emails just with a click of a button.
So if you come accross a site selling “Email Hacking software” plz don’t trust it.

2. Never trust any email hacking service that claims to hack any email just for $100 or $200.
All of the email hacking services are scam.

3. With my experience of over 6 years in the field of Hacking and Security,
I can tell you that there exists only 2 foolproof methods for hacking email.
All the other email hacking methods are simply scam or don’t work.
The following are the only 2 working and foolproof methods for email hacking.


The easiest way to hack an email is by using a keylogger.
A keylogger is a small program that monitors each and every keystroke that a user types on
a specific computer’s keyboard. To use it you don’t need to have any special knowledge.
Anyone with a basic knowledge of computer can use it.
With my experience I recommend the following keyloggers as the best for hacking email.


Email Hacking

I don’t have physical access to the target computer, can I still use sniperspy?

Yes you can still use it for hacking email. Because keyloggers like SniperSpy and Win-Spy offers
Remote Installation Feature. With this feature it is possible to remotely install the keylogger on
the victim’s PC. However they can also work on a local computer.

Hacking Email

Hacking Email

Email Hacking
Click Here to Order SniperSpy Now!

NOTE: For more details on keylogger read my post How to use Keyloggers


The other most commonly used trick for hacking email is by using Fake Login Pages.
Fake login pages are created by many hackers on their sites which appear exactly as Gmail or
Yahoo login pages but the entered details(username & pw) are redirected to remote server and
we get redirected to some other page. Many times we ignore this but finally we lose our valuable data.
However creating a fake login page and taking it online to successfully hack an email is not an easy job.
It demands an in depth technical knowledge of HTML and scripting languages like PHP, JSP etc.
So I recommend the usage of keyloggers for hacking email since it’s the easiest one.

I hope this info has helped you. Happy Email Hacking!

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