Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Promote Your Business/Blog/Service on Orkut: FREE!

After status update, suggested friends, chat, SMS, widgets etc features, here comes one more importantand most awaited feature orkut ‘promote’: a free tool to help you spread the news to all your orkut friends…and beyond!

Now marketers, bloggers can invest their time in tweaking the ad copy to impress Orkut users, to drive traffic, leads and sales.

When you first create a promotion, only your friends will be able to see it. Once they click on “promote it!”, their friends can see it.. and so on.

To see the number of clicks, views, Promotions, Trashes, goto “promote”, then click on “my promotions” tab.

Orkut has recently released a new feature which they call ‘Orkut Promote’.

As the name itself suggests, this feature will allow orkut users to promote ‘their stuff’ throughout orkut. Great for some free and awesome advertising opportunities on the hottestsocial networking site in India…huh? :P

Let us get deeper into this feature and dig out what it has in store for us..

Getting Started With Orkut Promote

Orkut promote is a viral promotion opportunity which orkut has integrated within which enables orkut users to create their own promotions or i’d better call advertisements which will be shown to everyone in their friend list on the top section of the right sidebar on their home page.

This means..No more Google Ads in my Right Sidebar?

Promotions and Google Ads will be rotated and you can trash and spread both of them. If you trash a particular promotion or advertisement, it will never show up again but will be replaced by a new one.

Did I hear the word ‘Viral’ somewhere?

Yes you did..This promotion could go viral if your friends love your promotion. All they have to do is to choose the spread option above your promotion and the same promotion will be shown to their friends too. And so on, it will spread amongst your network in no time at all.

Wow! Great for Some Damn Good Advertising!

Just a minute. To add, if your promotion sucks!…it will be trashed by your friends and will never be shown to them again. Forget about it being spread to their network.

You can track all the stats of your promotion in your promote page.

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