Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Open Orkut Accounts Simultaneously in Two Tabs - Firefox

Now you can open two different accounts in the same browser. Last time I wrote an simpletrick about How To Login With Multiple Orkut/Gmail/Yahoo ID In Firefox. Here is another cool hack to open multiple accounts in same tab itself.

1. Open Orkut & login with your account.
2. Open another tab (Ctrl+T).
3. Now close(Alt+F4) your Firefox.
4. While closing , a pop up window will prompt you to either save this session or dont save.
5. Click on save button..Your browser is closed now!!
6. Now again open your Firefox check out you are still logged in your previous orkut account.
7. Now right click on goto orkut.com & open with a New Tab(Ctrl+T)
8. In that Tab you can see the orkut login page.
9. Just login there in your another account.

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